Welcome to Victoria Goodwill
Victoria Goodwill Unit of Service is a meditation group working in cooperation with like-minded groups around the world. It follows spiritual principles set out in teachings published through the Alice Bailey books and those contained in The Great Invocation.
Victoria Goodwill works subjectively to anchor light, love and the will-to-good into human consciousness to lift humanity and all planetary lives.
Virgo Full Moon Meditation
The time of the full moon is a period when spiritual energies are uniquely available and facilitate a closer rapport between humanity and the Hierarchy.
The next FM meditation will be held in Virgo which will occur on Tuesday, 17 September at 7.00 pm. The full moon peaks Wednesday, 18 September at 12.34 pm.
Join us online
The meditation will be hosted on Zoom on Tuesday, 17 September at 7.00 pm AEST. Join ten minutes prior via the following link:
Drawing Forth the Soul of the Nation
We invite you to join this work in seeking to open the door to the Soul of the Australian Nation.
The Tibetan Master DK has said there is an ideal nationalism which exists so that all in the world may benefit, and which is a living, vital, spiritual organism. The following meditation is offered in response to this idea.
To find out more …
The Ten Seed Groups
The Ten Seed Groups and how they relate to the New Group of World Servers.
The Ten Seed Groups are:-
Telepathic Communicators;
Trained Observers;
Magnetic Healers;
Political Organisers;
Scientific Servers;
… & more …
Seed Group 5 – Political Organisers
Seed Group 5 “Political Organisers” work in the world of human government. The work embodies the method whereby the divine Will works out in the consciousness of races and nations.
If you feel called to participate in this group service work initiated at the time of each New Moon to evoke the Soul of Nations to bring forth leaders for all people, you can view or download the meditation and register your interest via the following link:
2024 Three Spiritual Festivals Dates
Aries (Easter): Monday, 25 March at 6.01 pm
Taurus (Wesak): Wednesday, 24 April at 9.51 am
Gemini (Festival of Christ): Thursday, 23 May at 11.55 pm
Triangles Weekly Webinar
Each Monday at 5:00am AEST (Melbourne); 3:00 pm (New York); 8:00 pm (London) and 9:00 pm (Geneva) Triangles offers a webinar in cooperation with the global Triangles Meditation Group.
The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Full Moon Meditation Groups in Australia & NZ
If you are interested in attending a FM meditation meeting closest to where you are located, you can view Australian & NZ groups by following this link…
Silent Minute at the United Nations
May we join together in a “Minute of Silence” wherever we are in the world – and hold within our hearts the work of the UN and the manifesting of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to create a better world for all of humanity
The Chalice – Symbol of Peace for the Aquarian Age
In the Age of Pisces, the Hierarchy sent the olive branch of peace and the dove was Their symbol. In the Age of Aquarius, the new symbol of peace is the Chalice of achievement.
In the Agni Yoga teachings it is said: “Since times immemorial the Chalice has been a symbol of Service.
Is This Our Next Goal?
The important work of the New Group of World Servers is to bring into the consciousness of humanity the purpose of creating a world where kindness, compassion and harmony prevail
Part V- Can the fact of the Soul be Proved ?
The world issues today are of such importance, and the opportunity before humanity is so great, and the Masters are so entirely occupied with world affairs and with the dominant and prominent figures in high places in the nations, that the instruction of unimportant people in the various little occult groups and societies is temporarily suspended.